President’s Message

The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. -Elisabeth Kübler-Ross-

The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. -Elisabeth Kübler-Ross-

I write this on Australia Day and as I look at the flag proudly flying at the front of my home, I am grateful for everything that this wonderful country has given me.  We are so very fortunate.   I am also very much aware of the turmoil going on around the world and concerns that we all share for families and friends, both at home and overseas.  I am reassured by other wiser individuals, that the world has always faced these challenges and that the human spirit has a tremendous ability to go on, despite the pessimism portrayed in the media. We all know that.  We have journeyed to the darkest part of the night, where our souls have struggled to go on, but somehow we do.  The days, the weeks and months go by and we learn to create a life that incorporates our loss, but that loss never goes away.  I read a post on the TCFV Facebook page today, that grief beyond 12 months was listed in the DSM as a psychiatric disorder.  In which case, I am sorry to tell you that your President and many of you, have a new label.  Life has taught me that unless you have walked in the shoes of another, you might never understand.  I am also very much aware, that nothing in life is guaranteed and that the world can change in a second.


Whilst the festive season was several weeks away, we are still in a holiday period and for many who have lost little ones, the return of the school timetable, can be yet another difficult time that we have to face.   In supporting our community, our first program for the year is in February, with Pat Brown facilitating a workshop, “Pathways to Peace”, an interactive experience in managing loss.  Details and registration can be found on the website.


Please take the opportunity to read, ¨News From the Board¨ in our FOCUS Magazine – which explains decisions that may have an implication for you.  I realise that this magazine is a huge support and has value to so many, to those that come along to the face-to-face chapter meetings and to those members that choose to deal with their loss in a more private manner, but still need to feel that others understand.


And finally, please engage with the organisation.  Let us know what might help in supporting you.  Take a look and interact with our Facebook and Instagram sites and visit TCF NSW website.  So much work goes into every element of supporting you, by a few people who have also lived your shared life experience – but are trying to make a difference.  Help them to feel valued in the work that they do.

Hugs to you all.
